FEC Frees All Web Political Communication Except Paid Ads

Some good news, but a mixed bag.

From Clickz News:

Prominent bloggers are hailing the FEC decision, which affords them the same exemption from campaign finance restrictions that is afforded offline media like TV, radio and newspapers. Indeed, even when individuals who run Web sites accept payment from a federal candidate, political party committee or other political committee, no disclaimer is required. Also, according to the FEC document, public communication doesn’t include republished campaign material that is placed on an individual’s Web site, blog or e-mail, so it’s not considered “coordinated communication.”

Well, that keeps me out of jail! That’s the good news, the bad news is that it encourages bloggers to behave in less than a transparent way. Bloggers must have the trust of their readers, and to not disclose this information would violate that trust. Don’t get me wrong we are a self regulating group. The good ones will still disclose if they are being paid by an individual when blogging about them. However, there will be those that try and hide that from you, so buyer beware.

You can trust that I will always disclose any payments I receive as it pertains to my blogging on a subject, I already have once.

3 thoughts on “FEC Frees All Web Political Communication Except Paid Ads

  1. It troubled me greatly hearing that campaign finance reform was being used to regulate when people could speak their opinion.

    Nice to hear that’s being addressed.

  2. I think this government has a lot of nerve! Proposing to me, What I can say, When I can say it, and for whom I shall speak. I do not need to be protected from that which I am already protected. The supreme law of this land, my United States constitution is my protection! I condemn all those who profess my fundamental freedoms to be of their prerogative

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